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 Register New Agency 

Already a partner?

We have recently transitioned to a new system. If your agency is already listed in our database, please click below to log in or create an account.

Use this form to register as a new partner agency. We will review and edit your submission before adding it to our platform.

Contact us at with any questions.

Thank you!


Upload an image of your agency logo

Briefly describe your agency's mission and program goals.

Agency description

If your agency does not have a physical address, you may provide the mailing address, or leave this field blank.


Cambridge Volunteers will use this information internally to contact your organization.

We will not share this information publicly.

Please provide the name of the individual responsible for volunteer recruiting and management at your agency, such as a Volunteer Coordinator.

Please provide the email address of the individual listed above.

Please provide the phone number of the individual listed above.


This information will be published on our website and in other external communications.
Please only provide information that may be shared publicly.

Ex. "" or ""

We recommend providing a general email, rather than an individual's email, if possible.

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